バハマー9 Bahamas-9
マップで北側海岸通り右端に四角で囲ったWest Bay St.があるが、その直ぐ右がダウンタウンである。Hilton右斜向かいのMcDonald’s前にバスターミナルがある。10番のバスで西のケーブル・ビーチに行って来た。丁度湾の真ん中辺りにあるGoodman’s Bayで下車しビーチに出て西に歩いた。ビーチはどこまでも続いていて、少し疲れて来たのですぐ南のバス通りに出ようとしたが、訊くとそこはプライベートビーチになっていて、通りに出るには出発地点まで戻らねばならないと言われた。高級リゾートマンションを見に行きたいし、ビーチは歩きにくいしで出口を探すべく色々トライしていたら、偶々バス通りに出るゲートが開いていたところを見付けて通させてもらった。バス停で帰りのバスを待っていたが中々来なかったのでバスが来るのを振り返り振り返りしつつ歩いたら右側の湾の始まりのBrown’s
There are some West Bay St. s surrounded with square at upper side of this map. And downtown is located at a little bit right side of the most right side West Bay St. square.
There's McDonald's just right diagonally opposite side of Hilton and in front of McDonald's there's bus terminal. I took No. 10 bus bounded for Cable Beach and dropped at Goodman's Bay. I walked to the left to Cable Beach . Beach is continuing and I became a little bit tired and was going to bus road, but I was told that here is the private beach and must go back to Goodman's Bay. I wanted to see the high class resort mansion and it was hard to walk on beach, then I tried to find the exit and found the opening gate to the road. I asked a person to pass the gate and was permitted. I waited for a bus for downtown at the bus stop, but a bus was not coming, then I walked while looking back and looking back for a bus and came to Brown's Point. It was rather convenient for me to walk, because I could take many photos. A little bit ahead there, a bus came and I got the bus with my hand up.